
Version Control

Modern software is built

  • Incrementally
  • Collaboratively
  • In multiple strands that are finally merged together

Version control records changes to the files over a set of time so that you can go back and look at specific versions later.

  • The version currently being worked on is called the checkout
  • The difference \(\Delta\) between one version and another is called the patch set.

You can have a localized version control system and a collaborative version control system.

A localized version control system sucks beause it does not have collaboration, does not have multiple strands of development, and if something goes wrong with the system it’s being worked on, then things will probably go wrong.

In a centralized version control system, you do have collaboration and possibly multiple strands of development, but it’s vulnerable and if the system goes down, then it’ll be down for everyone.

We thus reach the idea of a distributed version control system. Though there is a central repository (in the cloud perhaps), there is also a local version in every remote repository. This rectifies the issues since if an individual’s system crashes, he can get a backup from the central repository. And if the server dies, any of the clients’ data can be copied back into the central repository.


Git was designed to

  • have simple design,
  • be fast,
  • support highly non-linear parallel development, and
  • be fully distributed.

Due to this, Git can support large projects.

Git is slightly different from even a distributed version control system.

  • In other vc systems, each version just has the patch set compared to the previous version. In Git on the other hand, every commit (version) is a reference to a full record of all files.
  • Most operations are local, not central. You only need to go non-local to sync it up with the cloud.
  • Finally, Git has integrity. Everything in Git is (SHA-1) hashed. Each file or directory is referred to by the hash value. The usage of a hash value is important because if the data gets corrupted even slightly, the hash value will be hugely different (so we will be able to detect the corruption).

The basic workflow in Git goes as follows.

  • Assume a version in your working directory.
  • Make whatever changes to the files you want to.
  • Stage some/all the modified files and commit it to the local repository.
  • Repeat.
  • At some point of time, when you’d like to sync it up with a remote repository, you push it to the cloud so that someone else can pull it.

Basic Commands in Git

Installation and Making a Repository

sudo apt-get install git
git config --global "username"
git config --global "email address"
git config --global core.editor "editorname (like sublimetext)"
git config --global merge.tool meld #tool used to merge
git config --list

When you want to make a new repository in say a directory called CS251-2020, you first create a directory, go into it as follows, and initialize an empty git repo as follows:

mkdir CS251-2020; cd CS251-2020
git init

If you try ls -a now, you’ll see that there’s actually a lot of (hidden) files despite the directory appearing empty. The actual local repository where stuff is stored is in the .git directory.

Basic Usage

git status can be used to see the current information: the current branch (we will define this later), commit information, and if there are any uncommitted or unstaged (“untracked”) files.

If we want to stage a file (or changes to a file), say file.txt, we can do git add file.txt. If we now do git status again, we see that there is a new/modified file called file.txt.

To commit all staged files, we can do git commit -m "Message". The Message” is a message that is done while committing which we can see later (to easily recognize changes that have been done). If you’d prefer to write a longer message, just doing git commit opens your editor to type a message.

git log displays a log of all the commits along with their timestamps, corresponding messages, and hash values. The HEAD -> master text next to one of commits shows which commit the one in use is.

Git Objects (and their structures)

Git consists of several objects, each of which is named by its hash value. There are three types of objects in Git:

  • Blobs: They contain some metadata (such as the size of the blob) and the actual contents of the file. Note that the contents may not be in ASCII, they may be binary-coded.
  • Trees: They correspond to a collection of files or directories, which may or may not constitute an actual directory. It is essentially a record that contains a table with first the size of the tree, and then pointers to the elements of the collection (which can be blobs (files) or trees (directories)).
  • Commits: It is a pointer to a tree that corresponds to the commit along with some metadata (author, previous commit etc).

Finally, there is a HEAD pointer which points to the current commit.

There are three “areas” in Git, the working area, the staging area and the commit.

We use ls -l to view the content of the working area. We can also easily look at the content of a file in the working area using cat.

We can use git ls-files -s to view the content of the staging area. However, if we now want to see the content of a file in the staging area, we cannot just use cat. we must use the hash value that we see when using git ls-files -s as git cat-file -p "hashvalue" (-p for --pretty). An easier way to find the hash value of file.txt is to do git hash-object file.txt.

Finally, if we want to view the content of the commit area, we use git ls-tree HEAD. We can view the content of a particular file using git show HEAD:file.txt.

When we do git status, nothing to commit, working tree clean means that the all three areas have the same contents. We can use git ls-files -s to look at the contents of the staging area.

The relation between the three areas can be understood more clearly as:

  • Creating a file file.txt adds a file to the working area. git add file.txt.
  • git add file.txt adds the file to the staging area. Note that file.txt is still there in the working area!
  • git commit -m "message" adds all files in the staging area to the commit. Note that the files newly added to the commit are still there in both the staging area and the working area!
  • If we now edit file.txt, then while the content of the file is the same in the staging area and the commit, it is different in the working area.
  • Now, say we add file.txt to the staging area and then edit file.txt in the working area a bit more (so that the content of the file is different in the working area, the staging area, and the commit).
  • If we now do git commit -m "message", then the working area’s version of file.txt will be different from the version in the staging area and commit (which are both the version of file.txt which was there in the staging area). If, however, we do git commit file.txt -m "message", then all three versions will become the same as the version which was in the working area.

Some More Commands

We now introduce an important command called git diff, which can be used to see how files have changed between commits. git diff gives the difference(s) between a commited file and a modified file (in the working directory), while git diff --cached gives the difference(s) between a commited file and a staged file. git log -p file.txt can be used to see the difference across multiple commits.

If we want to see the difference between a.txt and b.txt in the working directory, we can do git diff --no-index a.txt b.txt.